reasons to love yourself, It’s startling enough to see the number of people who don’t love themselves.

You see them every day, these people that you pass on the street, stopping for coffee at your local cafe, browsing through the music section in your local megastore. How can they do it? Walk around with their shoulders slumped forward and their head looking down, or is it down on themselves?

Is it that they learn to hate themselves? Perhaps they are taught that they aren’t beautiful enough, smart enough, and strong enough at a young age. What do you tell these people, these dear non-lovers of self? Do you say nothing and allow them to suffer silently? Or do you step in and offer your help?

As a person who has been very lucky with self-acceptance, it is hard for me to understand why someone would not love themselves. Even when I was horribly depressed, hating myself so intensely that I couldn’t stand the sight of my own skin, still there was some small part of me that loved myself. I’m not sure how this happened, but it did, and I could recover because of this tiny portion of my psyche.

reasons to love yourself
reasons to love yourself

Well, here are a few reasons to love yourself no matter what anyone says!

You are beautiful, lovely.

You have gorgeous eyes, full of color and life. You have a nose that you can see is on the large side, but it suits your face perfectly! Your lips are beautiful, too, despite their natural poutine. Don’t pin your ears back to those who say you are not beautiful; they are simply echoing their own self-doubt back at you.

You are strong,

and no matter how many times you fall, you will always get up. You may be a little bruised (and even bleeding), but as long as your bones remain intact, you can still fight to better yourself! You’ll take some time off to recover, and then you’ll be back in the ring wiser and more resilient than before!

You are intelligent,

you may not do well in all your classes (although it seems like you do), but this doesn’t mean you aren’t smart! You just don’t need to know the same things that other people need to know. You have a different set of knowledge. You could teach others many valuable lessons if they would just listen to you.

You are strong enough to not let the opinions of others affect you!

You know who you are, and as long as you can do that (and nobody is harming anyone), what others think doesn’t matter. Remember that some people say these things out of jealousy or don’t understand your situation. They could be having a horrible day.

love yourself
love yourself

You are loved,

no matter what anyone says! You have so many friends who love you for being you, who support you in everything you do! They know how amazing you are and want nothing more than to see your smile every day! Even when things get rough, there will always be someone there for you!

And finally, remember that everybody has some sort of self-doubt. It is what makes us human. If everyone around you truly loved themselves as much as they love you, then there would be too many people competing for the same jobs or maybe not enough people to fill all the positions out there!

So love yourself!

And don’t forget to spread that love around because others need it just as much as you do.

There are many other reasons to love yourself, but I think this is a good start! I hope these words have inspired you in some way.

Categories: Empowerment