Home » You Are Important

The fact that there are over 7.7 billion people in the world today can stymy you, leaving you feeling like you don’t matter. After all, what would one person out of billions have to contribute to the world? The truth is, who you are as an individual is the exact reason you matter.

You have the potential to change the people and world around you through your actions, words, and thoughts. You may not know it, but you have real value, and there is a reason you are alive. Here are 8 reasons why you are important.

You Are Alive

The mere fact that you are alive is a reason to feel special. If you have been to a Biology class, you know that millions of sperm cells swim toward the ovum to complete conception and that only one makes it. So, what are the odds that you survived the journey? One in millions!

When you contemplate this, you begin to see that you are not here by mistake. Nature chose you because there are endless opportunities for what you can offer the world. It is up to you to acknowledge your importance and work toward becoming a person of impact.

Why You're Important
Why You’re Important

You Are Unique

Out of the 7.7 billion inhabitants of the world, there are many people that also sing, play football, or are doctors. However, no one person has the same combination of strengths, skills, talents, and experiences as you. You have lived a totally different life than the person sitting next to you on the bus, and this realization is the most important reason why you matter.

By sharing your stories, experiences, and perspective, you introduce insight into the world that no one else can. Your special challenges and how you overcame them are unique to you – yes – but they can also inspire other people to keep trying.

You Can Contribute

The happiest people are those that have a purpose and work toward achieving it. Even better, you have the power within yourself to pursue something, commit yourself to it, and achieve it – contributing your part to the world. As we have seen, you have a unique set of interests, experiences, and talents, and when you put them into use, you can leave a mark on the world around you.

If you are not sure whether you are currently contributing to your environment, answer the following questions honestly:

Are you honoring your true potential?

What aspects of your life can you improve?

And apply more of yourself to the world around you?

Answering these questions should help you understand how and why you can change the world.

successReasons Why You Are Important
Reasons Why You Are Important

You Love

As a social being, there are individuals in your life that you care about and love. This could be your friends, family members, relatives, colleagues, or even neighbors. Now, consider that the rest of the world doesn’t know or love this group of people like you do. They don’t share the same relationship as you do with them, and this means that only you have the ability to make this exact group feel loved.

Doesn’t this realization make you feel that you are important? Consider it, without you; your mother will not have her first or last born daughter or son. She might have your siblings, but she will not have the love that only you can give.

You Are a Source of Love

Beyond your loved ones and people you know, you are a potential source of love and warmth to the people you meet and interact with every day. Imagine that just by greeting someone, smiling at them, letting them borrow your stapler, or take your spot on the bus, you can make them feel special and loved. You can turn their frown upside down and make their day!

Some people have a positive energy and outlook on life, and others are negative and discouraging. When you choose to be the former, you become a constant source of love and hope that other people are drawn to and admire. You become a force of good.

You Are Wise

By now, you know that no one else in the world can offer what you do but do you know that you are also a source of wisdom? Your unique life experiences mean that you can share knowledge and wisdom with the world that no one else can. This is a special gift that only you can give. When you do, you can help other people overcome their fears and realize their potential. Your wisdom can make a difference.

You Are Important
You Are Important – coupon

You Have a Special Destiny

The fact that you are alive today means that you have a special role to play in the world. Whether it is by bringing a family into the world (that wouldn’t exist without you) or pursuing your career or passions, your journey is like none ever traveled before. So is your destination. Not everyone will pursue your exact dreams with your exact passion, so no one but you can achieve your destiny.

You Are Destined for Greatness

Who and where you are today is not who and where you will be in 5 or 10 years. As you strive to meet your goals and grow your career, start a family, or travel, you move closer and closer to becoming the best version of yourself possible. You will face challenges along the way and overcome them, which will only make you better, and when you reach your fullest potential, you will be even more important than you have ever been. This is confirmation that you matter.

You Have Goals

If you have goals and objectives, then you are already winning in this game called love. This is because you know what you want and are not afraid to go for it. In the process, you will achieve your dreams and positively affect the world. So wake up and give yourself the credit you deserve.


Understanding that you are important begins with you acknowledging your uniqueness. You have a special purpose, people count on you, and your thoughts, words, and actions matter. Essentially, no one else alive can offer the world around you what you bring to the table because you are a treasure trove of unique skills, stories, and wins. When you face challenges – today or any other day – let this realization inspire you to find a way out because You Are Important!

Categories: Empowerment