In this world, there is nothing that lowers our self-esteem when we realize that nobody likes me.

The feeling is quite sad sometimes, but it is a natural process in life. When a child is born, he/she doesn’t care about who likes them and who doesn’t. Parents are the first ones to build their self-esteem and they do it by showing affection, care, and love.

But as we grow up, we start to realize that we need other people’s opinions and affection. We want to be accepted and liked by others and this need is becoming greater when we are in school. Kids need to socialize and they begin to learn that having friends is important for their development.

Nobody Likes Me

When they have friends, they feel happier and they usually try to do their best to be liked.

This feeling of low self-esteem is frequently caused by bullying. Bullies usually attack those who are weaker and since kids don’t like to be the victims, they try to make friends by trying to do the same things that their friends like. This is frequently seen in schools and it causes kids to change who they are to please their friends.

In high school, this feeling of low self-esteem is also present, but it becomes more frequent when kids enter college. In college, students start to realize that they are young adults and many of them feel insecure about their future.

They also go through a process where they try to choose what they would like to do in life and this makes them feel even more insecure about their future. Because of this insecurity, kids try to be liked more by others and they act more like their friends. They usually start caring about what clothes they wear, the type of music they listen to, and even the type of food they eat.

This process is not different in adults.

Most people realize that when they go through life, they need people. They want to make friends almost all the time and this makes them like other people too. So when someone doesn’t like them they feel really bad about themselves.

This feeling of low self-esteem usually doesn’t last for too long, but it can be painful sometimes. This feeling can be reduced by changing your perspective towards our existence. We all like to think positively and we need to remember that we live in a world where people make a big deal about little things.

need to remember that we are not the judges of our own mistakes and we shouldn’t compare ourselves with the people around us. We are all different and this is what makes our world amazing.

How to train your brain to overcome nobody likes me

Here are some ways in which you can train your brain to overcome nobody likes me feeling. You need to remember that many people are too busy with their problems and they don’t have time to concentrate on others’ problems. They are too busy thinking about their own life and they don’t want to worry about your life too.

1) Stop thinking about other people’s opinions – When you feel someone doesn’t like you, you need to stop thinking about it. Focus on yourself and try finding a hobby. Try something that makes you feel good about your life.

2) Forget the past – When you are thinking about negative people who didn’t like you, don’t think about the reasons why these people didn’t like you. The past is gone and it doesn’t make sense to go back there. Learn from your mistakes and try to find a way to stay positive.

3)Stop comparing yourself – Stop comparing yourself with the people you meet every day and focus on yourself. Don’t try to please yourself, but find what you like. This is the only way you can stay happy and this will make people start liking you more.

More training to help

4) Stop trying to be liked – When you are in a new place, don’t try to make friends with everyone. Try to be yourself and you will find out that people like who you are. They don’t like the fake version of themselves, so try to be yourself and you will see that people will start liking you more.

5) Stop worrying about your situation – You can’t change your life if you don’t accept it. When you are sad about the fact that people don’t like you, try to change your situation. Stop feeling bad about the things that happened before and start living in the present. The past is gone, so try to forget all about it.

And most importantly….

6) Try to focus on the appropriate people – When you feel that most people don’t like you, try focusing on the people who care about your existence. These people will make you feel good about yourself and you will know that there is more than just the people who don’t like you.

7) Listen to music – Music can help you relax and it will help you feel better about your life. When you feel that people don’t like you, listen to some songs that make you feel good about yourself.

8) Get some rest – If you are not feeling well, try to take a nap or go on a date with your friends. You need to relax and when you feel really tired, people aren’t attracted by your energy.

9) Find a new hobby – If you have time, try to find a new hobby that can be interesting for you. You can choose something related to your work or something new for you.

10) Focus on the things you are good at – You need to focus on the good things you have in your life. You need to learn something new and this will make you feel better about yourself. Try to train your brain to feel better about your life.

nobody wants me

What to do when nobody likes me

When someone doesn’t like you, you need to try to stay positive. You are not responsible for other people’s feelings and sometimes the reason why they don’t like you can be unknown. This is why you need to try to stay positive and focus on the brighter sides of life.

You can’t force others to like you, but you can stop trying to please them. Stop caring about their opinion and be yourself. This is the only way you will find happiness. Remember that nobody is perfect and sometimes it can be hard to like everyone, but you can try.


If you are looking for a way to overcome nobody likes me feeling, then you need to remember that people don’t like us because we are too self-centered. We try to please everyone and this is not a good thing because people usually don’t care about what we are doing.

Categories: Empowerment