Nobody Wants Me | Do you feel rejected or neglected by others? Do you feel as if your relationships are more obligatory than genuine relationships? Whether you are right or wrong, the feeling of rejection is a familiar feeling most people face A ‘nobody wants me’ feeling is a significant risk to mental health.

This feeling is at first normal. We all exercise situations where we feel rejected and unaccepted. It has everything to do with our relationships with others.

In this article, we postulate tips that could help overcome the ‘nobody wants me’ attitude.

The Source

There are many ways we misinterpret the world. The world is not always unfair. Good things surround you at all times, but it calls for an optimistic attitude to see them. Here are ways we misunderstand what the universe has to offer.

All or nothing attitude. People who develop this attitude view the world on extreme levels. Either things are working perfectly, or they are a disaster; either you are loved by everybody or nobody loves you. These people view the world as either black or white. We must understand and learn to appreciate the good first before condemning or correcting the wrong.

Jump to conclusions.

A ‘nobody wants me’ attitude is so judgmental. You conclude what you think others feel about you. Have you ever thought you have hurt someone and thought they are angry with you, and later you realize they have no hard feelings? Do not jump to conclusions without real evidence.
Emotional reasoning. When you use your emotions to base your thinking, you will likely land on the wrong assumption. Do not assume no one wants you because you feel like this is true.

Disregarding the positive.

You disregard any positivity, and to you, even good memories don’t count. You tend to give the negatives more weight; thus, you magnify their appearance.
To manage these feelings, we must discern the inner voice without emotional judgment. Being angry with yourself is the leading cause of low self-esteem and unproductivity. This is how you deal with this problem.

Nobody Wants Me
Nobody Wants Me

1. Love yourself

Whenever you feel nobody wants you, you will also start hating yourself. Loving yourself is an essential thing to building strong self-esteem. Regards of the level of rejection you might exercise from a society based on your looks, how you talk, or who you are, the confidence in your persona may make them like you. People love original things. Love and embrace the original version of you.

2. Analyzing the reason you feel no one wants you

Emotional facts are formed when we build on specific thoughts repeatedly. Continuous feelings of rejection may emanate from a name your friends call you. An emotional fact is a typical false and may be spread to others who mean well.

Analyze and list who you link does not want you and why you think they feel that way. Reject may be sprung from the fact that you are not highly regarded by those you hunger for appreciation from. You can do this analysis by putting you as the subject matter. List those that appreciate and view you as a role model.

3. Analyze your relationships

We can categorize human relationships into different levels. Some people are in a general category, while others are in a close or intimate category. Putting people in the wrong relationship may bring expectations that you will never meet; this causes hurt.

It’s therefore important to analyze and classify different relationships appropriately to maintain quality personal relationships. Confusing a kind personality from a friend, for instance, may cause a feeling of rejection where kindness is interpreted as an attraction.

4. Don’t seek approval from other people

One way to build on your self-esteem is the ability to trust and have confidence in yourself. Whether others feel you look weird, appreciate every organ of your body, and believe in yourself. Approval from other people is always full of criticism. Feeling like no one loves and wants you may put you in a desperate state to seek approval from others. Approval from others is an important aspect to grow your confidence but should be a secondary element.

5. Adapt to positive and healthy daily habits

Changing a mental attitude does not happen with a day. It calls for a habitual routine or positive energy. It’s advisable to make healthy daily changes to your daily lifestyle. Do things that lift your spirit and connect with people who keep you happy.

6. Positive thinking

It’s impossible to meet all your needs. It’s impossible to be liked and wanted by everyone. Rejection is part of our daily lives. Have an optimistic mindset that will always find something positive amid negative criticism.

you feel no one wants you
you feel no one wants you

Personal Tips to Build Strong Self-Esteem

Be assertive. Assertiveness refers to the ability to communicate your feelings while minding about how other people feel. Develop positive affirmations like, ‘I will succeed in this interview.’ In a situation, you don’t feel like keeping on, develop positive affirmations.

Understand your competencies and work on them. What can you do best? The most adored humans are those who do what they can best. They are the fastest runners, computer wizards, bet footballers, among many others. If you love swimming, then learn the most advanced swimming techniques and be the best at it.

Accept compliments. When we feel like no one wants us, we block appreciation and acceptance. You will always feel rejected, even in an environment where you are most accepted. Accept compliments and a thank you. Avoid reflection reactions.

Affirm your real worth. A Mercedes is a respectable car because everyone knows its value. List down your qualities; at work and in your relationship with other people. Of the list, pick one quality that you think is outstanding and will be highly appreciated by others in the future. Let this be your driving force to overcome the feeling that no one wants you.


Accepting life challenges and taking things easy is key to living an optimistic life with high self-esteem. If your attitude does not seem to change, seek help from a professional counselor or a life coach.

Categories: Empowerment